Why DV8 Dare™ Swingers Edition - Is the Ultimate Icebreaker

A little about us.
The Deviate Network started as an adult home parties business; Deviate Parties. We had been regularly attending lifestyle events when we decided to start hosting our own events around the New York area. Since then, we've traveled all over the East coast and the US promoting swingers lifestyle events, education and awareness, we added our Deviate Essentials Product line and created The Deviate Network.
So what is the DV8 Dare™ Swingers Edition?
This edition is the first ever erotic dare game created exclusively for Swingers, by Swingers.
DV8 Dare™ Swingers Edition features two decks; Icebreakers and Wild Dares, a blindfold, and very easy instructions to follow, which allows players to quickly get to know each other better for a naughty night in.
That's the official answer.
DV8 Dare has gone unmatched since it's inception in 2015.
It is now used worldwide by top swinger clubs, resorts, travel companies and event hosts from Toronto to Spain.
So why is it the ultimate ice breaker?
DV8 dare was created over five years of hosting lifestyle events. We were on the lookout for a game that wasn't complicated, mature, sexy and was conducive to play. After all, the end result should be getting to know the other guests a little (or a lot) better.
Why was it created?
The tough part was creating a game that was fun, but mature. When we say mature we mean, we've played many dare games in our search for the perfect icebreaker to get thing started. None where geared towards swingers and all were immature and not conducive to play.
For example, many dares we've played were pretty off the wall and not sexy by any means. We've encountered dares that asked players to run around outside naked, act like a monkey, or make a brain out of their testicles. (really, we're not joking).
That's not going to get a group of mature adults in a sexy mood.
Most games were very complicated and players lost focus quickly, which was another downer for trying get things going. Starting off the game with 'give the player next you a blowjob' may seem like fun, but that's just not how swinger / lifestyle parties start.
The lifestyle is about making a connection with the other couples, not dive right in without somehow breaking the ice.
The other challenge was to create a mature, easy to play game that was sexy and also progressive. Imagine playing a game where the first card drawn was "Strip naked" and none of the subsequent cards had anything to do with anyone else getting naked. Well it happened with one of the games we played at a party.
A single female drew the first card: "strip naked". Sounds like the game was off to a great start right? No. She ended up being the only one to draw that card, and sat through the entire game naked while everyone else was fully or mostly clothed. Though she was a trooper, not everyone else would be.
The Ultimate Icebreaker is created.
We knew we had our work cut out for us: The problem we had to solve was how to make the game progressive, so players could ease into it.
The game needed to have all of the elements we wanted; easy to play, high end, sexy and mature. No naked monkeys, no awkward situations and most of all it had to create a sexy playful environment.
Lets break the ice.

We created the Ice Breaker Deck, as we call it phase one.
The Ice breaker deck starts out mild; cross touching, stripping, making out, ect. The game encourages you to do this with anyone but your partner. Hence, getting to know the other players. In most cases, you get to choose the player you want to get to know a little better. Each player gets pass cards allowing the option to test their boundaries yet stay in their comfort zone. We also solved the problem of a player being the only one naked by allowing players to choose who needs to shed their digs.
Oh it gets wild.

The wild deck, as we call it Phase two. Now that everyone is loose, comfortable and mostly naked, the wild deck really gets things going. ;)
This deck includes pass cards, with a catch; you now have to pass your dare to another player. The wild deck is just that. "WILD". Lots of sexy dares: anything goes, erotic blindfold, and we left a few open ended dares. It allows you to use your imagination to see how far you and your partner are willing to go.
(Oh and you may want to google ski poling)
The Deviate Network - New York