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  • Swinging Is Back, But Is It Right For You?

    Remember stories from the 60s and 70s, when couples went to parties and put their house keys in a punch bowl? The person’s keys you drew at the end of the night was the person you went home with. Few people know this, but swinging as a fad in America actually began in the 1950s with Air Force officers in California swapping wives. Today, though, in clubs and private homes in London, Paris, New York, and many other places, the swinger trend has reemerged. Nightline, ABC News, The Daily Mail and plenty of other media outlets have covered it. Some participants are bored, middle-aged couples trying to revitalize their sex lives. Others are young, sophisticated urbanites looking for a weekend thrill and a way to blow off steam after a stressful work week. Times have certainly changed since the 60s Sexual Revolution! What was once extremely taboo and only took place behind closed doors now has a website, and researchers are noticing a shift towards younger generations. Once, swingers were generally 35+, but that’s changing. Today’s 20- and 30-somethings are marrying later and are taking their liberated dating habits into marriage. It’s not surprising that they are also more apt to take part in zestier enterprises once there, lacking the urge for secrecy and guilt the older generation faced. Gen X and Millennials are interpreting monogamy in an entirely new way these days. What’s more, women seem to be the ones driving the most recent swinging fad, calling the shots and being choosy with their partners. So should you try swinging? That’s entirely up to you, your partner, and your shared interpretation of your relationship. Some people can’t stand the idea of their lover with someone else. Others find nothing hotter. There are women who allow their partner to kiss and touch other partners, but still keep sex off-limits. Others allow kissing, touching and oral sex, but no penetration. Some couples allow freebies during business trips or when one partner is more than 20 miles away from home. Then, of course, there are plenty of “no holds barred” couples as well. There are endless variations and combinations. Some couples don’t want to know anything about the other’s escapades; others want to know every detail. Swingers are just as varied and individual as any like-minded group of people, and it all comes down to individual preferences that have been clearly communicated between committed partners. So how can you get into swinging? If this is a conversation you’ve never had with your partner, try to feel them out first with indirect questions and casual conversation. Be subtle at first. Suggest a movie or book where swinging takes place and is portrayed positively, and then see how they react. Then sometime later discuss it with them, and don’t just make it sound like you’re looking for some guilt-free cheating. Tell them what excites you and turns you on about it, and ask if it excites them too. Never pressure anyone into taking part, and never accept being pressured. Everyone deserves sovereignty over their own body and emotional boundaries. Plus, everyone loves and enjoys sex in their own unique ways. You’ll need to discuss at length where each of your boundaries are and establish ground rules about what is acceptable and what goes over the line for each of you. Start slowly. Perhaps just visit a local event or club and observe. Talk about it afterward: what you noticed, what turned you on, and what didn’t. Keep the conversations low-pressure, and try not to take yourselves too seriously. Think of it as a new adventure, and keep an open mind. If you want to remain in a monogamous relationship, you both have to communicate well, take things slowly, allow time to adjust, be comfortable enough with each other to voice concerns when you are uncomfortable, and support one another throughout the whole process. If it isn’t done right, it could damage the relationship, but if both of you are honest, supportive, loving, and understanding, then it can be an exciting, erotic, and rejuvenating experience. SOURCE: Huffington Post #couplesrelationships #dv8lifestyle #sexuality #swinging #relationships #swinglifestyle #blogdv8

  • BDSM Basics: Impact Play Safe Zones and Spanking Tips

    Green = Safe Zones Yellow = risk zones:Use caution when directly hitting these area or how frequently you hit these areas. Red = Danger areas: Avoid direct hits to these areas. Purple circles = Critical Areas: In no event shall these areas receive direct blows or sustain any direct or prolonged pressure. These areas are key to blood circulation, nervous or major joints. 1.Educate Yourself About the Body! There are some parts of the body that you should avoid spanking at all times. Hitting these parts of the body can result in extensive, and sometimes fatal damage (see the red and purple areas above) -Kidneys: The kidneys are located in the area of the back between the bottom of the ribcage and the top of the butt. -Tailbone: The tailbone is located at the base of the spine, it can be cracked or broken if hit. -Hips: The sides of the bum and along the bony part of the hips, where several nerves are located. -Spine: The spine, along the back, has several small bones that can be cracked or bruised. -Neck: The neck is a very sensitive area where many major arteries, tendons, glands, and lymph nodes are located, not to mention the larynx, and should never be hit! -Face: Although face slapping and other impacts to the face are sometimes seen it is best to avoid hitting this area of the body. There are many sensitive areas (sinuses, eyes, lips, cheekbones, etc) that can be easily damaged and those injuries could be permanent! -Ears: Hitting someone on the ears can cause permanent damage to their hearing or sense of balance. 2.Use a safe word or safe signal. A safe word is established so that the action can be stopped instantly should anything go wrong. Before play, choose a word that is unlikely to normally be said during your play session, such as “ocean” or “red light”. It should be agreed that the safe word will only be used in serious situations and at all times the action will stop immediately if it is said by either party. A safe signal is used in situations where a word cannot be spoken, such as when the submissive is gagged or is wearing a hood. Sometimes you could use a specific series of grunts, or it may be possible to hang on tightly to a bell and dropping it would be the safe signal. If for any reason a safe word gets used during your play session, stop the session immediately, remove any restraints, gags, hoods, etc., and find out why the safe word was used. Sometimes it’s best to take a time out and discuss just what went wrong. You might decide to continue with the play after the problem’s been solved or you might decide to continue the play another time. 3) Only spank or be spanked in a relationship of absolute trust. In a trusting relationship, it is possible for either partner to stop the action, regardless of their reason, at any time with the use of a safe word or safe signal. A Dominant should trust that the submissive will use the safe word if things are going too far. As well, a dominant should be alert to their submissive’s reactions and willing to stop the action if they suspect things are not going as they should. Sometimes submissives are hesitant to use their safe words, but in some cases you could find yourself in a situation where they can’t use the safe word. The Dominant must be on the look out for danger signals because the person being spanked often loses the ability to know when things are going too far. 4) Establish hard limits before play. It is best to discuss limits with your partner before you start playing. A hard limit is an activity that you designate as off-limits. For spankings, a limit may be necessary due to a physical problem, such as an old injury, and for others there may be a mental or emotional reason for certain limits. Everyone has limits that must be respected in order to preserve their well being and a Dominant should not push limits without a great amount of care and consideration for the well being of his/her submissive. Discuss limits with your partner and use your common sense. 5) Avoid Leather Butt: This is a condition created by damaging the nerves and skin on a certain part of the body, often the butt, that results in toughened skin, scar tissue and desensitization. Vary your spanking techniques, try different types of implements, and spank different parts of the body to avoid “leather butt”. by Jessica Cocker Source: #bdsm #spanking #bdsmsafety #dv8lifestyle #spankingtips #bdsmtechniques

  • Your Healthy Guide to Role Playing

    You can make sex more fun by bringing these ideas, and your own imagination, to bed. It's exhilarating to shed your everyday self and be someone different and exciting, and it's even more fun to take on that new persona in bed with sex games. Pretending that you're someone else may make you feel less inhibited, more relaxed, and more willing to try something new. There are lots of sex games you can play, and role-playing is a great place to start. Do you or your partner have a certain fantasy? Start with that. The Art of Sexual Foreplay Sex Games: Why Role-Playing? "Role-playing or game-like fantasies are great tools; they assist in awakening creativity and imagination in the couple," says Evelyn Fisboin, a registered marriage and family therapist intern at the Mind Spectrum Institute in North Miami Beach, Fla. "Role-playing can also help divert from routine sex, and may heighten and enrich sexual relations." The beauty of role-playing is that you can be anyone you want: anyone you have ever wanted to be, or anyone your partner has always desired. Always had a thing for nurses, secretaries, teachers, or cops? Act out your sexual fantasy with a little role-playing and add some fun and spice to your sex life. With the right partner, you shouldn't be too shy or too nervous to give fun sex a try. Role-playing and sex games can go beyond just a little talk and pretending — you can dress up in outfits and costumes and act out an entire fantasy or scenario. Start out with something simple, and work your way into more complex role-playing as you and your partner become more comfortable. Bondage or S&M (sadomasochism) is a fantasy-based type of role-playing in which leather and restraints are often used. Leather can be erotic for many people; so can the idea of bondage and control. However, it's important to make sure both parties enjoy these types of sex games and that each person in the relationship is comfortable with bondage or S&M role-playing. Keeping Fun Sex and Role-Playing Comfortable "Couples can make role-playing enjoyable and comfortable by making sure that all fantasies are safe, and no harm is inflicted on either partner,” Fibroin says. “Check in with your partner regularly before and during role-playing to make sure that both of you are in agreement." It's perfectly healthy to want to explore sexual fantasies, and you should feel comfortable opening up to your partner about what interests you. You should always be respectful and keep an open mind when your partner wants to discuss fun sex and opens up about role-playing ideas or fantasies. Safer sex methods that make both partners feel comfortable can also be part of this conversation. You may be surprised to hear what your partner wants to do, and it's okay to say that you don't want to do it. You also need to understand how difficult it can be to talk about sexual fantasies, even with a willing partner. Role-playing, fun sex, and sexual fantasies are a great way to keep sexual magic alive over the years. In long-term monogamous relationships, they can help maintain comfort and affection, while still maintaining the excitement of having "different" sexual partners. Last Updated: 10/29/2014 Source: #roleplaying #couplesrelationships #fetish #dv8lifestyle #dv8roleplay #roleplayguide #roleplaysex

  • Blog DV8! an Intro to sexuality

    sex·u·al·i·ty ˌsekSHəˈwalədē/ noun: the quality or state of being sexual: a : the condition of having sex b : sexual activity c : expression of sexual receptivity or interest especially when excessive Lets face it.. humans are sexual beings. With a world population of 7.4 Billion people, that's a lot of sex! I will take you on an exploration of the world of sex and sexuality and the lifestyles. From group sex, the swingers lifestyle, to exploring the secret side of bdsm, to honest adult product reviews, the latest and greatest sex toy advances. #dv8lifestyle #blogdv8 #sexuality

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