A girl for you and me with no jealousy

Dear DV8
"'So far we've done a couple of threesomes with other women. But have stayed girl on girl with some light cross touching. I want to include him in the mix, but i worry about getting that flash of jealousy if i see another girl going down on him or if we go so far having sex with him.How do we deal with jealousy in swinging?"
bi-gal 4 bi-gal - Ohio
Dear bi-gal
In swinging, there is always a risk of jealousy. However, I have a theory; You don't know until you try it. I believe that as long as you have strong communication with your partner, and he is able to read your cues and body language, your experience can be mind blowing. Know, that if you try it and don't like it, you never have to do it again. I encourage you to talk to your partner about your concerns and make sure he's willing to stop at any point that you feel uncomfortable." - Mrs DV8
- Mr DV8 "Like any situation, you never know how your going to feel until you try it. As always communication is key to any situation. That being said, does the thought of him being with another woman turn you on? Are you comfortable enough with the woman to take it to the next level. These are things to consider and discuss with your partner. Make sure she is comfortable as well, many fail to consider the other parties involved and how they feel about the situation. She may not be comfortable taking things to the next level or could be in the dark about how you feel about her playing with your man. Talk to her one on one, discuss setting boundaries and comfort levels."